I2SL’s New ‘Best Practices’ Guide for Energy Savings with Demand Based Control

The International Institute for Sustainable Labs recently published a peer-reviewed best practice guide on the benefits of using “demand-based control” (DBC).

The guide reviews laboratory airflow drivers, the implementation of DBC in labs (including the benefits of differential measurement with multiplexed sensing), an analysis of lab room air and case studies.

For any university, research organization or life science company that is reducing energy use as the first step in reaching net zero carbon goals or just looking for a way to save significantly on utility costs, this document is highly informative resource filled with examples and data.

Conclusions include the following:

  • Instead of a fixed air change rate, using real-time measurements of actual indoor air quality to vary air change rates from minimum rates (as low as 2 or 4 ACH) up to purge values of 8 to even 16 ACH is recommended.
  • Demand based control can often be the single largest energy conservation strategy for laboratory facility designs.
  • Significant net reductions in first cost can be achieved by reducing HVAC equipment sizing.
  • Significantly increasing air change rates when certain contaminants are sensed will improve indoor air quality.

You can check out the full guide by clicking here.